Sandie: Originally from Australia, Sandie has been residing in the US since 2002. Her reputation as a psychic extends across various mediums, including television, radio, and print. With her dynamic psychic abilities and expertise in tarot, dream exploration, mediumship, and dream interpretation, Sandie approaches each reading with enthusiasm and candid honesty.
Her journey into the realm of psychic phenomena began at the age of 15 when she discovered her natural intuitive gifts. Since then, she has dedicated herself to mastering the art of tarot reading, providing guidance and support to countless individuals over the span of two decades on platforms like Keen.
Sandie combines her clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, tarot skills, and remote viewing to establish a connection with you and explore the specific situation at hand. By addressing your inquiries, she offers guidance and insights on matters concerning love, relationships, breakups, divorce, commitment-phobia, infidelity, as well as issues unique to LGBTQ relationships, among other concerns. Whatever hopes, fears, or worries you may have, Sandie is here to assist you in finding peace and cultivating unwavering confidence to navigate through life’s challenges.