Energy of the Week: King of Wands
A charming, responsible, loyal, entertaining, witty, honest, conscientious and generous person. A lover of the home and family life. A very passionate and virile man who is good at moral support and encouragement. When pushed or provoked he acts without hesitation, but can sometimes find this hard as he can often see both sides of an argument.
Focus of the Week: Four of Swords
Retreat, withdrawal, peace established through arms. Rest, recovery, hospitalisation, recuperation from battle and relief from anxiety or sorrow.
Lesson of the Week: Four of Wands
The fruits of one’s labour, hard work resulting in the successful completion of a project. This is the card of the professional man: an innovator or renowned designer. The establishment of culture, Refinement, charm, attractiveness and splendour. Depending upon the surrounding cards, there is a possibility of romance.
Aeson Says:
This week you are going to have to work with the logical side of things while dealing with the New Moon and the refocusing of Mercury in Retrograde. Keep an eye on your ego and focus on what your real goals are.
This Week’s Schedule:
Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time.
Additional Premium Appointment times are available on Mondern Spiritual
- Monday
- 4:00pm – 9:00pm
- Tuesday
- 5:00pm – 7:30pm
- Wednesday
- 4:00pm – 9:00pm
- Thursday
- Unavailable
- Friday
- 4:00pm – 5:30pm
- Saturday
- 4:30pm – 9:00pm
- Sunday
- 4:00pm – 7:30pm