Hello Dear One, Your monthly Tarot scope is just a snapshot of your life. Schedule a reading with Aeson Knight today and he will be happy to take a deeper look into your questions and worries! Have a blessed month, Your Tarot Scope for November 2024 Aries March 21 – April 19 King of Wands […]
Author Archive: Techy Joe
Your Week Ahead Forecast June 12-18
Hello Dear Ones, Gossip, though often tempting and prevalent in social interactions, can have significant detrimental effects on individuals and relationships. Engaging in gossip can create an environment of negativity, mistrust, and toxicity, eroding the fabric of connections and damaging reputations. The act of gossiping often involves spreading rumors, speculating on personal matters, or discussing […]
It’s Not Just Skilled Labor vs Unskilled Labor Any More, And That Matters
In the debate over minimum wage, we are also contending with a much larger social debate on neither the value of education and training, or even the right to a life sustaining wage, but one of semantics about the work that people do and whether or not that work is “skilled” or “unskilled”. Which fails […]
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 2021 — March 27, 2021 @ 9:30pm EST
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 2021 SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 AT 9:30 PM EDT – 10:30 PM EDT FREE Facebook LIVE Event Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 2021 hosted by World Natural Attractions We thought as a fan of The Psychic Coffee Shop, you would be especially interested in knowing about this event. Located in Weston, WV Trans-Allegheny is […]
Coronavirus: Lean Forward into Greatness, Don’t Sit in Panic
I grew up with grandparents who were born before sliced bread. They were babies or not yet born during WWI, part of what became known as the greatest generation. They married, set up house, and had a baby in the middle of the Great Depression. One of the places they lived with that baby was […]
The Pagan Athiest
There’s a behind the scenes of each show and it comes in a variety of forms. Sometimes it’s from comments from listeners and also our own internal conversations. Sometimes we find more information, sometimes we continue the conversation after the show, but sometimes we catch something in post production that is unexpected. And this past […]
Does this App Make Me Look Hacked?
Whether it’s the hottest game, the newest wave of pictures on Facebook, or that story you just MUST read to find out what happened, what we often fail to ask is, “but what about my privacy?” In the days since Christopher Wylie appeared to testify in front of congress about things that we didn’t know […]